Author Archive

Pic of the day: Throwback to the Calder

While our longer-range urban destination fishing is still off the cards (and most of our rivers have recently been blown out by rain and snowmelt anyway) … … here’s a little throwback to fishing the urban Calder in West Yorkshire with the Trout in Dirty Places crew in the freezing winter of 2010. Now that […]

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 11 January

SUNRISE creates an urban oasis in Stoke-on-Trent Wandering along the Wandle: recent articles in the Guardian and Times How the forthcoming Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill aims to tackle sewage pollution, after water companies dumped raw sewage into Britain’s rivers 200,000 times in 2019 Catch and kill? How city streets trap and poison fish… and what […]

Film night: Urban trout – not surprise, but expectation?

If you managed to attend the Wild Trout Trust’s Virtual Get Together in September this year, you might have seen this video as part of the Trout in the Town update… … but even if you did, we reckon you’ll enjoy spending ten minutes watching it for a second time. Back in the depths of […]

Urban river restorationists: Get accredited by WTT!

Ever since the Wild Trout Trust’s Trout in the Town programme was launched in 2007, inspired by the success of the Wandle project, the range and scale of urban river restoration groups has been growing across the UK. And recently, while the Trust was creating its new Trout in the Town Urban River Toolkit last […]

Pic of the day: Things you see on urban rivers…

… in this case, during a walkover survey of the River Axe for an exciting new Wild Trout Trust project in the hills around the Somerset Levels. To be honest, we’re slightly agnostic about the main herd of dinos crammed into the ornamental gardens behind the old paper mill at Wookey Hole: that awe-inspiring limestone […]

Film night: Urban chub on the fly

 Trout season is winding down across the northern hemisphere, but that doesn’t mean that urban fishing is over for the year… … as this highly enjoyable video from Dominic Garnett shows us. Dom is well known for his magazine columns and books including Flyfishing for Coarse Fish, Hooked on Lure Fishing and Crooked Lines, […]

Urban fly-fishing report: River Lark, Mildenhall

Whilst recovering from a recent operation, Lark Angling & Preservation Society river restorationist (and RRC River Champion 2018) Glenn Smithson has been out on his local river in Mildenhall, and sent us this excellent fishing report: Tim, my restoration mate on the river, took me to a spot on the Lark for a couple of […]

Talking urban rivers on Farlows LIVE

Volunteer activities on urban rivers have certainly seen some setbacks during the Covid-19 pandemic, but forward-thinking organisations of all kinds have taken the opportunity to stay in touch with their supporters online… … and that’s just what Farlows have done with their series of Farlows LIVE interviews on Facebook. On Friday 17 July, this site’s […]

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 29 June

Lockdown litter from London to Derbyshire: a shocking new source of microplastics for the environment… … and what about tyre fragments from the roads? Transforming the Darent in Dartford: how SERT is restoring another urban chalkstream SUNRISE on the Trent: sometimes moving a river 500m sideways is the only way to restore it! Don Catchment […]

Pic of the day: Hackbridge on the Wandle

As the Covid-19 lockdown tentatively lifts across different regions of the UK, #FishWhereYouLive seems to be the best first option for many flyfishers… … including those who live within striking distance of the Wandle in south London. One of these is Tom Clinton, retail manager at Farlows fishing shop on Pall Mall, and he’s been […]

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