FF&FT November 2021 3

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2 Responses to “FF&FT November 2021 3”

  1. Rupert Hill says:

    The article is incorrect re free fishing on the Itchen navigation from Compton Lock to the Bridge Inn. Please can you correct this info?
    Extract from the Twyford Parish Council Website


    Twyford Parish Council own the fishing rights on the east bank of that section of the Itchen Navigation that is adjacent to Twyford Meads. In an effort to protect the fish stocks and reduce environmental damage to the river and banks, the Parish Council have, since Autumn 2021, temporarily prohibited all angling activity on this stretch of the navigation.

    When angling is permitted once again, this is limited to residents of Twyford, Shawford and Compton. All anglers must abide by national Environment Agency laws and must carry a valid fishing licence which can be obtained from any local post office.”

  2. Theo says:

    Rupert, many thanks for this information: I’ve now added an update to the main blog post.

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